Interstitial image and video ads plugin for Revive Adserver

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Interstitial image and video ads plugin can deliver full-screen creatives for the web, mobile. It is designed to enhance interstitial creatives and improve revenue for both the publisher and advertiser.

The plugin can deliver image and video creatives filling up the entire host interface, engaging video and pictorial creatives can be delivered during web sessions and during mobile web sessions.   

Interstitial image and video ads plugin can display creatives with a smooth, natural transition from the main content, the interstitial creatives displayed by the plugin will allow the user to click on creative and continue to the respective page or the user can close the creative at will.    

Supported formats

Image  formats

•Png                                                    •jpg                                                    •Gif

Video formats 

 •webm                                •mp4 video ads

The plugin delivers engaging video ads across various platforms; it can amplify revenue for both the publisher and advertiser.


Plugin Highlights

  The plugin allows a maximum 30 seconds duration for the video ads.

  Image creatives will be displayed until appropriate action is taken by the user

  Supports all pictorial ad formats

  Video tracking pixels support from start to end of the video

  Ad close button on the right corner

  Tracking pixel and destination URL can also be tracked

Plugin benefits

  Responsive ad delivery on different devices

  Ads are designed to match the user device screen and functionality

  Increased click-through ratio

  Conversions, impression and clicks of the delivered ad can be tracked.

  Less intrusive creative display

  Memorable creatives to leave an everlasting impression 

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